Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have found out that I only like to surround myself with people who are actually intelligent and don't act like dumbasses or total jackasses all the time. This is probably why I hate Matt so much, because he is both 24/7, at least when he's around me. He always wants to talk. He thinks that in order to be human, you have to say SOMETHING every five seconds. He asked me once, "Why are you so quiet? Why aren't you saying anything?" Well, I don't HAVE to say anything if I don't want to, now do I? Paranoid-ass. That's another thing I don't like about him. I look past him, to read a sign or something, and he's like, "Why are you looking at me?" I can look at you if I want, can't I? I have a right to--not only as a human being, but as your "friend" too, which you seem to think I am. He thinks that I am one of his "closest" friends. That couldn't be father from the truth. I hardly know the kid.

God, I hate him so much I've devoted two blogs to smashing his ass. I need a hobby.

1 comment:

  1. That's how my grandparents seem to be, whenever I visit them. Yesterday, they kept asking me, "Why aren't you talking to us? What's wrong with you? Are you sick? Are you sad?"

    I'm like, "One, every time you ask me something, you'll ask it again, ten seconds later, but re-phrased, so why should I talk again? And two, ever responding to the first question leads to a second question that's just like it, so I see it as not even worth it to respond to the first/at all." (And yes, I realize I'm creating a recent habit of listing things.)

    My grandpa's especially guilty of it, mostly cuz he's drunk 24/7. He'll ask everything all slurred and sing-songy, like he's talking to a little kid, and, yeah, it may sound amusing to you, as an outsider, but it's not, really, when you're forced to see him every weekend and take his phone calls at least once every few days, him asking the same questions, the same ways, getting the same answers, and all, and whenever I tell him I'm sick of his sameness, he explodes and disowns me and all, and just goes on this giant rampage, hurting everything/everyone else, so it's not even worth it.
