Saturday, August 7, 2010


I woke up early in the morning to the sound of thunder.

I like thunder, I love storms. It's nice when we get some rain every now and then. 8D So I sat there, listening to the rain pound my window, thinking of something to draw on graffiti for Elizabeth--like a red flower with rain in it.

Then suddenly, a thought occurs:


I jump out of bed and go to my brother's room. He sleeps like a baby in this storm. I tell him, "Did you bring the dogs in?"


Well, obviously, since the dogs aren't in there.


I turn to go get my dogs. I turn off the alarm and open the door. Poor Hershey isn't even in any kind of shelter--she just sits there, in the middle of it all, looking like the saddest creature I've ever seen.

"Hershey! Come here, baby!" I call. Where was Zuzu? Five seconds later, here he comes, out of nowhere, waddling like a little drowned rat. Hershey is freaking out and keeps licking me, all grateful.

I turn and see my brother in the kitchen. "Go get them some towels," I tell him. I go turn the alarm back on.

I go back into the hallway that leads to mine and my brother's room, and I see my brother's back, walking towards his room. I TOLD YOU TO GO GET TOWELS, YOU FAT FUCK.

So I have to pull a towel out myself and dry the dogs off as best I can. Hershey first--she's bigger and has more water stuck in her slick fur. Zuzu just wants to play, and tugs on the towel.

So then I leave them to my brother's room and go back to my room and try to sleep, but it doesn't seem to be working. All I can think of is my poor dogs and my brother's selfish self, not even bothering. And he wants to consider them HIS dogs. Asshole.

So finally I went to sleep. I think I'll make that graffito now. 8D

1 comment:

  1. Ou est ma graffito? D:

    (ha, the other week, I felt pretty smart, watching Beyblade---I was like, "Yushhh! I TOTALLY know what they're saying, in French! I wonder if anyone else does---like, does anyone even know what beaucoup is? Cuz, if it weren't for French class, I'd totally think "beaucoup" (pronounced boh-koo) is a person!"

    AND, today when I was sketching, I was like, "Crap, everything I'm drawing, right now, sucks!" I was trying to make a bird, then decided it'd make a cooler graffiti picture and I was like, "I'll make it for Sarah!!!"

    Ohh, but don't get your hopes up, for it. Like all of my drawings, it may start off as a bird, but it probably won't end up as one ^^U
