Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I almost thought we were being hit by a hurricane. But it was just a really bad storm.

It hailed really bad when I got home yesterday and we brought the dogs in. They smell so bad. But we couldn't just leave them out to be pelted by hail--which pulled up some of our roof, by the way. I kept them in Son's bathroom and got so used to the smell that when I left and came back later, I was like, "DAMN! Those dogs smell."

The freeway was so backed up, my mother called me and told me that she had been stuck in traffic for a while. I told her, she was going to be stuck there for a long time, because something happened where a telephone tower came down or something, and the freeway was just jammed for miles upon miles. It was also very flooded.

The worst part was, she had to pee.

Later, she called me and told me a woman was giving birth ON THE FREEWAY. I was like, "Shit, can't it wait? Go to a hospital for Pete's sake!"

I find it funny when Hummers get stuck in floods. Like their stupid car owners underestimate the depth of the flood and go right through and end up floating. Like, "Haha! You bought this bigass, expensive car and now it's floating in a flood! Serves you right for being an idiot!"

At school, the lights went off for two seconds. At first, I was like, "YESS! SCHOOLS OUT!" but we must have some backup generator or something, because the lights came right back on, and I was like, "SHIT!!!" Oh well. Maybe it'll rain that hard again today and we can go home. BUT WHAIT! Today, I have my creative writing class! NOEZ! Can't it wait for tomorrow? Oh, wait, nevermind, tomorrow is a half day anyway. D8<

I can't win, can I?

Oh yeah, that ring that my mother got me? It kinda broke. I was trying to adjust the inner, more flexible strap and it just broke off. Maybe some superglue will fix it.


  1. My grandma's windows don't roll up---yesterday, she took gramps to the doctor's and, on the way back, it started hailing. Loads of it went through the open window and cut up his arms pretty badly. (HOW I didn't journal about that yesterday, I don't know! I really am becoming self-centered, aren't I?)

    Also, this morning we were stuck in traffic for about an hour, and I read other people's fb statuses saying the same. I don't know if ours was cuz the telephone wires or rain---it seemed pretty sunny when we were out and we left no later/earlier than usual.

    I've also never seen a Hummer get stuck in a flood, but I think that's a pretty funny image.

    Why is tomorrow a half day?

  2. There were parent-teacher conferences and stuffs. 8D
