Saturday, October 2, 2010


Spoils of the day: food and drink and rides and a pair of black and yellow knit mukluks that smell like heavenly incense. Hippie Gypsy forevah.

There happened to be a fair in downtown Tempe--the Oktoberfest, to be exact. It was fun. Tina and I went on a ride together, and she got a headache which she cured with vanilla yogurt. Barefoot and I shared an Arnold Palmer and some island noodles.

It seems Barefoot really wants to go to homecoming with me, but I think homecoming sounds stupid. I mean, what do you do there? Eat food crapped out by a priest? Apparently, we're allowed to dance, but I can just hear all the stupid songs they're going to play for us to dance to. Gawd, I just want to do something ten times more fun than homecoming that night. He wants us to dress up in kimonos, but I'm like, "Where in the world are we going to get kimonos?" He said we can find some online, on Hot Topic, but I doubt it. I'll look.

Nope, they don't have kimonos. If they ever did, they don't have them now.


  1. If you've never gone to homecoming, you should definitely go. I never went, and kind of regret it now. (Okay, more than kind of.) I never did any school activities (did I ever even go to a Coffee Night?)

    So, wait, what's Oktoberfest and how long does it last anyway? And who is Barefoot and why is that his name?!

  2. Barefoot = Jared. 8D

    Oktoberfest is like this German holiday, and it's mostly about beer--and fat, lazy americans LOVE beer. So there were alot of people there.

    And I'm really considering going to Homecoming, but if I do, then I'll have to wear a Yuna cosplay outfit, cuz no way am I wearing some ugly kimono. Seriously, the good ones go for like 100 to 400 dollars. It's crazy.

  3. I saw a kimono halloween suit at Fry's today!

  4. HOMG!! I bet they would have a suit like that. But from what I've learned in trying on costumes, is that none of them EVER fit me. I'm either too big for kid's sizes or too small for adult sizes. It's like, "FUCK! Can I ever win?" xDD

  5. That's how I am with glasses---I don't fit kid's glasses, but adult ones are super huge on my face.
