I think the only reason I really dislike Justin Bieber's music (as opposed to being just fine with it) is the fact that just about EVERYONE (minus the adults I know, which doesn't include my sisters) sings it in a really bad sing-song voice JUST to annoy people.
When I sing, I try to sing in a good voice, and I don't do it to piss people off or get attention. I usually sing when I'm home alone doing dishes or something, so fat chance of catching me singing a bad song badly anyway. xDD
For the longest time, I had never heard Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga music. I knew people talked about them and frequently made fun of them, but I'd never heard their music, let alone seen pictures of them. (Or, if I'd done either, I wasn't aware of it and have no memory of it.)
One day some LGBT club or service thing or something posted a video of a girl cross-dressing as Justin Bieber for the song "Baby." Since then, I thought the song was catchy. Her version of the song is different, in lyrics/quality.
Then I was all, "Zomg, let's hear more of his songs," so I got the CD in secret. I thought his songs were catchy.
I did the same for Lady Gaga---I heard Grayson Chance's version of "Paparazzi," and, since then, was all, "Zomg, let's hear more Lady Gaga songs," thought they were catchy, and got hooked, if not for quality, for the catchiness of the songs.
I like Grayson's version of that song--which is really the only version of any of her songs that wasn't just a stupid clip of it. I like the girls in the background on the video who first hear him playing and think it's funny, then hear his voice and are like, "WHOAWTFNOWAI!!"
ReplyDeleteI agree that their songs are catchy--that's what they're all meant to do, songs today, I mean. There are few songs today that have any real meaning in their lyrics anymore, and that people can sing without being 100% annoying.
Another reason why I love Beirut--it's usually all instruments, and the singer guy only really uses his voice as an instrument itself, using words like Shakespeare. Sometimes they don't make sense, or you can't understand them, but what it all boils down to is that it's music plain and simple. 8D
I've never heard anything by Beirut. I also don't have any opinions toward music like, "Rawr, it's getting shittier and shittier, as time passes!" I guess I've never known what makes music "good"---I'm kind of down with everything, probably because I don't know anything about music. I'm horrible at playing/reading/writing/etc it.
ReplyDeleteI have strong opinions toward writing, though. I'm like, "Practically every new young adult book out there is awful---can you believe kids read that shit?!!!"
xD I know whatcha mean thar. I agree. Most teeny-bopper books today suck. There are few any longer that don't follow cliche's--have you heard of Hillary Duff's new book? I read the inside cover, and it's rather annoying. Some girl's father is missing, she dreams about some uber hawt dude, MEETS him, falls in love with him (cuz it happens all the time that your dream guy happens to be real, right?) and finds her missing father. I don't know why exactly he is missing, or what the underlying plot is behind it, but fuck, give us a teen book without boring cliches!
ReplyDeleteAdvice to aspiring writers: Avoid cliches like the plague. God have mercy on you, because I will come at chuu with a wrath like none other.
xD Okies, rant over.
But chah, I play music, and I like the older stuff--not just Pink Floyd, but Patsy Cline and Frank Sinatra, too. Judy Garland, I can't say much for, because I only know her from Wiz of Oz and Over The Rainbow. But Chopin is my lover. 8D Fuck Beethoven, or however the fuck you spell his name. xDDD
Yeah---I don't remember when or where I saw an ad for it, but when I saw it I was like, "Hillary Duff writes books? Since when?!" Then I found out it was newly released. I was like, "Oh, that makes sense." I didn't know what it was about, though, till you said.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of books can sound dumb, based on summaries. It's not always what happens that matters, so much as how it's told. Harry Potter can sound pretty dumb if you say, "So, there was this 11 yr old kid who THOUGHT he was an orphan, till a giant knocked down his door, said, "Yer a wizard, Harry!" and he went to school. Then he fought a guy with a snake-face many times, but the snake-guy could never quite kill him and he'd never let his minions do it, either, cuz he wanted to do it HIMSELF."
I think I only ever go out of my way to listen to modern rock music of sorts, but if people name-drop bands or songs that are of other genres/eras I'll go out of my way to listen to those, too.
xDDD ROFLMAO. "Yer a wizurd!" Yeah, I can understand Moldyvort's beef with killing Harry--if you want something done right, do it yourself. xD But seriously, if his minions are more capable of killing Harry than Vort himself, then by all means, DO THE FUCKING THING! THERE ARE 7 BOOKS AND 8 MOVIES FOR CHEESE AND RICE SAKE!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wish Harry would die, and the bad guy would win in the end. BUT NOOOO... they gotta hold to the "good guy wins all" archetype. Fuck that. I'mma write a book called Villain and it's about a bad guy who gets the girl and kicks good guy ASS. xDD
Or maybe there already is a book out there. D8< I think it's called The Elric Series. xDDDD
I've never heard of the Elric Series, but hey! I've keep forgetting to ask you: have you ever heard of the Barnaby Grimes series? Cuzzz, it's about parkour :D
ReplyDelete(I couldn't remember if you said you liked parkour cuz of the series or not---I just remembered Mirror's Edge)
The Elric series is supar old... but it's extreme fantasy about an "albino" guy who is a warrior, sorcerer, and prince/heir to a kingdom that was stolen from him by his asshole cousin or something, and he's also a husband to him other cousin, a chick named Yyrkoon or something. That might not be her name at all, actually...
ReplyDeleteBUT HOMG I HAVE NEVAR HEARD OF THAT AND NOW I REALLYREALLYREALLYWANTIT. But I is saving up money for germanyyz, so I'll have to put it on a list and stow it away somewhere I'll remember to look at. Like my forehead. xD