Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So, I didn't have any wacky dreams last night. Poor me. D8 BUTT it did rain. Yaay! Happy meee! Well, at first it thundered and then there was lightning and it made my heart happy because I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why but once the rain came, I felt comfortable enough to sleep.

I don't understand why people can be so afraid of storms. I love storms. Especially when you live in the middle of the desert like I do, it's just awesome. We hardly ever get any rain here and when we do, it's in the middle of the fall when it usually snows for the rest of the world and in the late weeks of summer when it's all hot and muggy and the monsoons come around.

Sooo... yep! Looking forward to all of those wonderful little rainstorms this monsoon season!


  1. Lucky you!

    I woke up to the sound of thunder, trying to convince myself that my nightmare wasn't real.

    Well, I dunno if it was a NIGHTMARE, really. But, hey, isn't that what you're supposed to call dreams that are scary? Only problem: most of the time, when I have "scary" dreams, they're only scary to me---they're not scary in the typical sense of scareh.

  2. Well, I can understand waking up from a nightmare. Nightmares makes everything scary. Even if it's irrational things, like running away from a little toy frog that squeaks when you squeeze it. xD
