Friday, December 3, 2010


I had a relatively bad day today.

First, I forgot my pencil bag (or lost it, I don't know which) and couldn't do ANYTHING in my first hour, so I borrowed a pen from Barefoot and it was all-right later.

But then, my mother called me and I was hoping it was going to be about my lost pencil bag and she found it in her car and was going to drop it off for me. But of course not. Instead, she called me to say that I was failing classes and needed to talk to x and x teacher. I asked her about my pencil bag, but she said she didn't see it in her car. Damn.

THEN, I go to talk to x-teacher. He tells me that I need to give him back a test, because the grade wasn't in, and that's why my grade was so bad. I also needed to do such and such assignment. All-right, I said, chipper as a fiddle (that doesn't make much sense but whatever), and went to retrieve my test. I go back, and it turns out that his door is locked. WTF? He KNEW that I was coming back to give him the paper! Why was it locked? So, dutifully, I sat and waited outside his door for about 15-30 minutes. Some man walked to the door and tried it, without much success. Finally, I stood and figured, "I'll come back in ten minutes."

I go to Diddy's room and sit and do some HW. Girls are in there talking about buying fetish toys for significant others/friends they joke with. They leave and I inform Diddy of two things: I was once tricked into searching "lap dance" on the computers as an uninformed 5th or 6th grader, and a kid who liked me before, didn't pay much attention to me again, was now paying attention to me again. I feel bad. I don't want to have to shoot him down. I've got too many things to do, not enough time to nourish a romantic relationship. I'll wait until after I'm done with school.

Mother calls me. I tell her the news about the x-teacher not opening up. She tells me to go back. So I do. Turns out, the door isn't locked anymore. I do my stuff and get out.

I go back to Diddy's room. A girl invites me to go to First Fridays. "I dunno," I tell her, but she wants my phone number anyway. So I get hers, call her later once I get a somewhat straight "yes" from the Parental Guidances. Her car is overheating. "I'll text you the number," she says. I don't have texting. So she just tells me. I write it down and call this girl.

She doesn't answer, and her answering machine says that I should text her if I really want to talk to her. But I leave a message anyway.

About 15-30 minutes later, she calls me. "Who is this?" Well, I dunno, numbskull, YOU called ME. Are you meaning to tell me that you call unlabeled numbers and ASK who they are? It could be a pedophile, you dipshit! I tell her who I am. I ask for the plan. They're already on the lightrail. "Whatever, I just won't go," I tell her. "Okay. We'll take lots of pictures for you!" she says. Hang up. I'm not so upset that they just forgot about me, but that this is the SECOND TIME that I've been invited to go to the damned First Fridays and I HAVEN'T GONE for ONE REASON OR ANOTHER.

I think I just might retire from going anywhere with my friends at all. It's usually not that great anymore, anyway.


  1. Aww, that's sad.

    Yeah, something similar happened to me with Barefoot, but I didn't care. He invited me to the Harry Potter premiere all the way back in (what?) June or something---I was like, "First of all, why're you even talking to me? We've NEVER talked in high school. You're probably only interested in me now cuz you know that I'm gay, and, I dunno, maybe you want to surround yourself with that kind of people. Next of all, who invited someone to something almost six months in advance?!"

    By the time Harry Potter came out he must have totally forgotten he'd invited me, but of course *I* didn't forget cuz, you know, I'm a loser like that---I never get invited to anything so of course I remember all of my invites.

    But I'm not mad at him----like I said, I thought it was pretty strange he wanted to talk to me, anyway, after four years of never talking (besides maybe a "hi, how are you" at school). And it seems pretty normal for someone to forget an invite after so long a time.

    But yeah---I TOTALLY WENT TO FIRST FRIDAY YESTERDAY! (Not to make you jealous or anything.) Ehh, it was alright. It was pretty normal (at the time that I arrived, which was late, maybe 9-10:30). It was the usual affair: kids dressed in stereotyped clothing (like emo, scene, gangsta, punk, etc).

    They remind me of peacocks, trying to look their best to look cool/attractive/cause a scene. (Cuz, isn't that what male peacocks---and male birds in general---do? Grow showy colors to look cool/get a mate?) Cuz, srsly, I bet half the kids out there DON'T wear completely studded jackets to high school or their fourteen inch mohawk up every day. (No joke---this kid had a green mohawk THAT tall.)

    Seeing them makes me kind of scared to be a high school teacher. I'm like, "Oh shit, I'm plain as hell---I don't have a style. I don't fit into a stereotype neatly---at best, I ALMOST make a stereotype, or ALMOST make combinations of stereotypes, and, yeah, I know teachers shouldn't fit stereotypes, anyway, but I'll get alive if I don't."

    The one thing that you missed is a scary lady who wore a fox mask. I'll post about her later on a blog, but ugh, I have to catch up with schoolwork/blog entries before even THAT---I've been neglecting mah poor blog :'(

  2. Kids in stereotypes? I dunno if I wanna go to FF anymore. If it's going to be full of kids trying to fit into a sterotype, then fuck it. If there's anything I hate more than internet porn, it's people trying to fit in so badly that the have to conform. I think it's especially funny to watch the Goth kids--they all look exactly the same but never want to conform. xDDDDD

    But don't try to fit into a stereotype. Just be you. 8D Who gives a rat's flying ass if you don't fit into a stereotype? That's a good thing, in my book. 8D Besides, it's people that break the mold that get the most attention anyway. xD Not saying that you or I like attention cuz we're attention whores, but srsly, stereotypes are not the way to go. You lose your identity that way. D8<

    But, ah, well, if you like being fitted neatly into a stereotype, then that's your thing. I just don't like it mehself. 8D

    I think the only people who are allowed to "peacock" are rockstars. xDD Dee Snyder ftw.

    And I heard about the fox mask lady. I like foxehs, but I'm sure there's a way to make them scary. But wait, was she scary as in she tried to scare you with weird shit or just scary by being herself, chillin with a fox mask? Eh, but I guess you'll tell the audience in chuur blawg, right? xD

  3. Ewps-- scratch that--I don't hate the people who want to conform (the only person I really somewhat hate is Matt), but I just hate the idea of people wanting to conform. We all were made different and unique. We should be proud of that. 8D

  4. Wait, you've never been to First Friday before?

    I don't know if I hate internet pronz. Does slash/femslash fanfiction count? Cuz if yeah, then I'm out. I also don't know if you mentioned the "they all look the same but never want to conform" song lyric lines or someone else, but I feel like that is DEFINITELY true in the punk world.

    Everyone's always like, "You're such a poser, man. How can you wear plaid, or regular blue jeans? Man, you are SO not punk!" Or, "How can you NOT cause chaos?" Or, "How can you SOMETIMES listen to pop music?!" When, really, punks are contradicting themselves---punk's supposed to be about not conforming, yet THEY put such harsh rules on other people if they want to join them. It's kind of a contradictory cycle, the way that Americans say "We want to be a free people, but, oh, we have to put all these laws on you to make sure you can keep your freedom/make sure you don't take anyone else's freedom away."

    Isn't Dee Snyder on some tv show or something? I've never known much about him, except his face.

    Also, sorry for not going into depth about the fox lady experience on my blog, but I spent so much time writing about teh comp girl I thought I'd cut the entry short at that.
