Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I had a dream last night of which I don't remember much, but I did remember hearing the thundering footsteps of a Big Daddy.

5:40 in the morning, I hear a knock on my door. I also hear the thundering noise again, coming in five-second intervals. I went to the door and expected to see my Son there. He was sick all last night throwing up--I think it's because he didn't wash his hands after handling the crabs and then eating. I saw him there and he asked me, "What's that noise?"

"Maybe it's the dogs," I replied. My mother and I had brought in the dogs last night because we had heard that the temperature would be below freezing. We went to the laundry room, where they stayed. The noise was definetly louder there, but it wasn't coming from the dogs. In fact, the animals were dead silent. "It's not them."

"They must be scared out of their minds," Son said. I wondered what it could be. It sounded like the Jolly Green Giant flicking the roof or something. I turned and spied a red light outside the window to the front of the house.

We went to it and saw a truck with some sort of crane leading up to the roof. I wondered what they were doing, but they certainly couldn't be doing any sort of evil if they were being loud like this, and Mike or Mom wasn't freaking out. I considered asking them about it, but I figured they were asleep. So I went back to bed, still hearing the house-rattling BOOM every five seconds.

After a while, it stopped. I went back to sleep.

Later that morning, my mother came into my room to say good-bye. I asked her what the noise was, and she said it was people putting shingles on our roof. I considered this: Wouldn't that take more than five or so minutes of BOOMing? But they only put those shingles on our house, not really setting them down and stuff. I'm sure stapling shingles into place would be alot quieter.

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