Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have Catcher in the Rye now. I read about the bit where he pays a hooker but does nothing to her. I also read a little bit of the beginning but didn't pay much attention.

I bought Genkaku Picasso and a koi-designed notepad. The manga is pretty cool--some kid with artistic talent better than me helping people in uncanny supernatural ways is awesome. The only reason I don't throw down the book in anger is because Hikari is fictional and the real artist is somewhere around 30. He may have had a talent for drawing, but he still needed to go to school.

Hikari likes to draw water. Howthephuck do you draw water? Honestly? Whenever he draws water, there are little swirls on the page. I thought water just flowed smoothly. Why are there little swirls on the page? Whatever. It looks pretty.

I have to pee. And I'm hungry. I have to pee and I'm hungry. The beef cooking in the oven smells like heaven.

Today, Jay came up to me. I wasn't all too surprised that he chose me to talk to--after all, I've spoken to him before, and it's not like he's stuck-up or anything. But I was confuzzled. He mentioned my sky-high converse shoes.

Oh I didn't mention that. Or did I? Anyway, I got those calf-high (sky-high) chucks from the mall. I've wanted them for three years and now, I finally have them. Pain in the ass to pull up my legs, but for $70, it's worth every tax penny.

Anyway, Jay said he heard about them, and I said, "Yeah, they were a birthday gift. Well, Christmas and birthday."

"Your birthday is on Christmas?"

"No, but it's so close that my presents just get smooshed together."

Then he went on to tell me about how his birthday was pretty much overlooked, because it was on the weekend they have state for track and all and they can't really celebrate, cuz he's not supposed to eat anything unhealthy and he'd be watching people eat cake he can't have. And the week before is Mother's Day. And then the week after, something else happens. I forgot.

"Nobody likes me," he said.

I almost wanted to say, "Well, I like you," but I didn't because I didn't want him to take it the wrong way. I like him as a person. He's a cool person to be around. But I'm not dying to be the girl on his arm, you know? So I just stayed silent and wondered if he was trying to make me feel sad for him. Cuz it wasn't really working. I mean, I felt bad but I was like, "why are you telling me all this?"

So then he left. "Good talk," he said.

((This post was written sometime last week and I decided to finish it based on what I remember. It was too good to throw away.))

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