Wednesday, February 23, 2011


To get some work done. 8D

I just killed like eight birds with one stone. So many different assignments done in so little time. It was awesome.

Oh yeah, BTW, don't fuck with my mother in the morning. Yesterday, I began to explain to her that when I ate White Castle cheeseburgers for breakfast, I felt something of an adrenaline high all throughout the day. I said it might be because somebody at the burger-making factory slipped drugs into it, like shrooms or something. Then my mother got all freaky, unable to take a joke, and snapped at me like, "If you had shrooms, you would be freaking out and hallucinating." This morning I said some similar joke-thing--like the dogs aren't really in the laundry room, it's the rabid pig-hampsters scratching and howling at the door. She didn't freak out this time. Maybe yesterday was just a bad morning.

Also, this greatly amuses me:

It brings great joy to my heart to see Peach in fishnets and dark clothing. I dunno who made it, I found it years ago (or just a long time ago). All hail dark peachyness!

Also, I thought this was cool as well:

Found here. I love Daft Punk, basically with half of my ass and a rather large chunk of my heart (that's alot, by the way, if you know what my ass looks like xD). Before I die, I must make these suits and wear them to public Christmas events. 8D That would be FUCKIN IT!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Is it just me, or do scene kids all look the same? It's like emo, but with more outrageous hair, and obsession with a camera and an even faker front. I saw some lineart on DeviantArt for "scenedogs", and it was kinda funny. Attractive, even, because the artist was REALLY GOOD. But honestly. No.

I actually don't write as much in my DA journal than I said I do. The last time I wrote in it, it might have been last week. Or two weeks ago. I dunno.

This week and last really seemed to just fly by. I don't know why. Last weekend seemed like yesterday. Or maybe I'm just thinking crooked (as opposed to thinking straight).

I woke up late this morning, and had this dream that I was getting ready to go to school (like most of my morning dreams). I dreamt that I sat there popping a pimple on the side of my mouth, and for some reason, my mouth started to fill with water, like I was rising my mouth out, or something. I dunno. I have strange dreams. Then I woke up and checked the time and it was already 7:00. I figured, "hell with it, I'll take a shower. We're always late anyway. And it's a B-day. And a half day. And Mom will take me out to Starbucks afterward. 8D

I need a job, cuz I brokkee... T^T

Monday, February 14, 2011


Valentines day!

I got chocolate-covered fortune cookies for valentines this year. They're covered with pink heart sprinkles. 8D Apparently, you can learn the phrase "I love you" in like, six or seven different languages.

So, today I revert back to my twelve-year-old self with all the anime nonsense. Well, asian food. Whatever. I got to make muffins in Cooking class and they came out okay. A bit on the undercooked side, even though we put them in for five minutes longer than the recipe called for.

Anyway, I haven't posted here much cuz I've been obsessed with Deviantart. And maybe going into FeralHeart, if I can download it without too much trouble. Cuz honestly, I don't want to get into a game with all these bugs and stuff. But FeralHeart looks like a fangirl game, all full of super-colorful sparkledogs and lions.

Over the weekend, I began to read the TvTropes list of 'tropes for Kingdom Hearts. Holy shizznat, do they love to play up them tropes. Alot of them are BAD tropes. Like the single most important hole in the plot: once upon a time, Sora couldn't fight off baddies with a wooden sword. Then, all of a sudden, he gets a keyblade and can kick ass. BUT WHAIT! If the Keyblade is the only weapon capable of killing off heartless, the what the fuck are Goofy and Donald doing? They fight, and sure enough, after a long enough period of time and some leveling up, they might actually do all the work for you. But then they clear it up in later games, saying that other weapons can defeat the heartless, but only the Keyblade can collect the hearts. So, now we have this problem of Sora's not-being-able-to-harm-heartless stage in the game, where for 30-something seconds all of your attacks were worthless. So, you must now consider one of three options: a) Sora is dreaming all this shit up, and nothing is really real, b) Heartless are immune to wood, or c) The director of the game isn't paying attention to details. Or all three. Your choice.

I think that Director Nomura just made this his game of complete what-the-fuckery. Anything and everything he thought was cool and badass, he just plopped it right on top. Zippers and black cloaks? Shure. Outrageous hairstyles? Of course. Weird-ass semi-empathetic weapons? Why not? Throw in some personal obsessions and you've got a cult-producing video game (and manga).

Carried the post over from Valentines day, cuz I didn't have enough time to fill it.

And, um, I thought this was interesting.